Medical Journal Publications Blinded Peer Reviewed (Category C1) 2025 Coming soon........ 2024 145: Sharpe N, Pollard H. Post-surgical rehabilitation of a semi elite soccer player utilising a biomechanical and neurocognitive approach by a sports chiropractor: a case report. Chiropractic Journal of Australia.2024;51(1): 150-179.
144. Bablis P, Day R, Pollard H. Normalisation of type 2 diabetes using neuro-emotional technique to reduce stress and auto-immune dysfunction: A case report. Front Endocrinol. 2024;15:1382757. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2024.1382757. eCollection 2024. 143. Bablis P, Day R, Bablis S, Pollard H. Treatment of Hypothyroidism and Stress Using Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET): A Case Study. Cureus 2024;16(4): e58231. doi:10.7759/cureus.58231
142: Wassell M, Vitiello A, Butler-Henderson K, Verspoor K, Pollard H. Generalisability Of A Musculoskeletal Therapist Electronic Health Record For Modelling Outcomes To Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders. J Occup Rehabil. 2024 May 13. doi: 10.1007/s10926-024-10196-w.
141: Wassell M, Vitiello A, Butler-Henderson K, Verspoor K, McCann P, Pollard H. Electronic Health Records for Predicting Outcomes to Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders: A Scoping Review. J Occup Rehabil. 2024 Mar 27. doi: 10.1007/s10926-024-10175-1.
140: Wassell M, Vitiello A, Pollard H. Electronic Health Records Role in Predicting Outcomes to Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders: A Study Protocol. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2024;310:1356-1357. doi: 10.3233/SHTI231192.
2023 139: Bablis P, Pollard H, Rosner A. The endurance of neuro emotional technique effects on chronic low back pain in a randomized controlled trial with implications for cost savings. Natural Medicine Journal. 2023; September 6.
2022 138. Swain M, Pollard H. Sports chiropractic post-surgical rehabilitation following type 3 acromioclavicular joint separation in an amateur rugby union player: a case report. Chiropractic J Australia. 2021;49(1):110-144.
2021 135. Nelson L, Pollard H, Jarosz B, Garbutt P, DeCosta C. A Descriptive study of Sports Chiropractors. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies. 2021;29:51.
133. Pollard H. Inappropriate use of the title chiropractor and profession of chiropractic when reporting an adverse vascular event. Chiropractic Journal of Australia. 2021;48:57-65. 132. Bablis P, Pollard H, Rosner AL. Stress reduction via neuro-emotional technique to achieve the simultaneous resolution of chronic low back pain with multiple inflammatory and biobehavioural indicators: A randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial. Journal of Integrative Medicine. 2021;S2095-4964(21)00109-6. DOI: 10.1016/j.joim.2021.12.001 131. Pollard H. A new direction for the Chiropractic Journal of Australia. Chiropr J Aust: 2021;48:1-4.
2020 130. Pollard H, Pollard R. An unusual postural headache: a case report. Chiropr Man Therap. 2020;28(1):56. doi: 10.1186/s12998-020-00347-0.
2016 129. Bablis P, Pollard H. Feasibility Study Of The Short Term Effects Of Neuro Emotional Technique For Chronic Low Back Pain. Chiropractic J Australia 2016;41:266-282
128. de Luca KE; Parkinson L; Byles JE; Lo TKT; Pollard HP; Blyth FM The Prevalence and Cross-Sectional Associations of Neuropathic-like Pain Among Older, Community-Dwelling Women with Arthritis. Pain Medicine 2016;17(7):1308-1316. doi: 10.1093/pm/pnv111
2015 127. de Luca K, Parkinson L, Pollard H, Byles J, Blyth F. How is the experience of pain measured in older, community-dwelling people with osteoarthritis? A systematic review of the literature. Rheumatology International: 2105(35) 9: 1461-1472.
126. Brown BT, Graham, P.L., Bonello, R., Pollard, H. A biopsychosocial approach to primary hypothyroidism: treatment and harms data from a randomized controlled trial. Chiropractic and Manual Therapies 2015:23(24).
2013 125. Kalamir A, Graham PL, Vitiello AL, Bonello R, Pollard H. Intra-oral myofascial therapy versus education and self-care in the treatment of chronic, myogenous temporomandibular disorder: a randomised, clinical trial. Chiropr Man Therap. 2013 Jun 5;21:17. doi: 10.1186/2045-709X-21-17. eCollection 2013.
124. Brantingham JW, Cassa T, Bonnefin D, Pribicevic M, Robb A, Pollard H, Tong V, Korporaal C. Manipulative and multimodal therapy for upper extremity and temporomandibular disorders: a systematic review. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2013 Mar-Apr;36(3):143-201. doi: 10.1016/j.jmpt.2013.04.001. Epub 2013 May 20. Review.
2012 123. Pollard H. For people with persistent tension-type neck pain, a multicomponent pain and stress self-management intervention gives better improvement in ability to control pain and self-efficacy, but not disability, than physical therapy. Evid Based Med. 2012 Dec;17(6):181-2. doi: 10.1136/ebmed-2012-100564. Epub 2012 Apr 2. No abstract available.
122. Brantingham JW, Parkin-Smith G, Cassa TK, Globe GA, Globe D, Pollard H, deLuca K, Jensen M, Mayer S, Korporaal C. Full kinetic chain manual and manipulative therapy plus exercise compared with targeted manual and manipulative therapy plus exercise for symptomatic osteoarthritis of the hip: a randomized controlled trial. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2012 Feb;93(2):259-67. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2011.08.036.
2011 121. Kalamir A, Bonello R, Graham P, Vitiello AL, Pollard H. Intraoral myofascial therapy for chronic myogenous temporomandibular disorder: a randomized controlled trial. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2012 Jan;35(1):26-37. doi: 10.1016/j.jmpt.2011.09.004. Epub 2011 Nov 10.
120. Pribicevic M, Pollard H, Bonello R, de Luca K Revisión sistemática del tratamiento manipulativo para el hombro doloroso Osteopatía Científica 2011;6(3):86–97.
119. Karpouzis F, Bonello R, Pollard H. Final data of the effects of the Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) for pediatric Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD): A randomized controlled trial. Clinical Chiropractic, 2011;14(4):144.
118. King K, Pollard H, Gordon B. Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy: A Review and Case Report. Chiropractic Journal Australia 2011(41:3): 99-105.
117. de Luca K, Pollard H, Brantingham J, Globe G, Cassa T. A randomized controlled trial of chiropractic management of the lower limb kinetic chain for the treatment of hip osteoarthritis: a study protocol. J Chiropr Med. 2011 Jun;10(2):86-92. doi: 10.1016/j.jcm.2010.12.002. Epub 2011 Apr 5.
116. Pollard H, Calder D, Farrar L, Ford M, Melamet A, Cuthbert S. Inter examiner reliability of manual muscle testing of lower limb muscles without the ideomotor effect. Chiropractic Journal Australia. 2011;41(1):23-32.
115. Swain MS, Lystad RP, Pollard HP, Bonello R. Incidence and severity of neck injury in Rugby Union: a systematic review. J Sci Med Sport. 2011 Sep;14(5):383-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jsams.2010.10.460. Epub 2010 Dec 18. Review.
2010 114. Brantingham JW, Globe G, Cassa T, Globe D, DeLuca K, Pollard H, Lee F, Bates C, Jensen M, Mayer S,Korporaal C. A single-group pretest posttest design using full kinetic chain manipulative therapy with rehabilitation in the treatment of 18 patients with hip osteoarthritis. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2010 Jul-Aug;33(6):445-57. doi: 10.1016/j.jmpt.2010.06.005.
113. Kalamir A, Pollard H, Vitiello A, Bonello R. Intra-oral myofascial therapy for chronic myogenous temporomandibular disorders: a randomized, controlled pilot study. J Man Manip Ther. 2010;18(3):139-46. doi: 10.1179/106698110X12640740712374.
112. Swain MS, Pollard HP, Bonello R. Incidence and severity of neck injury in Rugby Union: a systematic review. J Sci Med Sport. 2011;14(5):383-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jsams.2010.10.460. Epub 2010 Dec 18. Review.
111. Karpouzis K, Bonello R, Pollard H. Chiropractic care for paediatric and adolescent Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A systematic review. Chiropr Osteopat. 2010;18:13. doi: 10.1186/1746-1340-18-13.
110. DeLuca K, Pollard H, Brantingham J, Globe G, Cassa T. Chiropractic management of the kinetic chain for the treatment of hip osteoarthritis: an Australian case series. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2010;33(6):474-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jmpt.2010.06.004.
109. Brantingham JW, Globe G, Cassa T, Globe D, DeLuca K, Pollard H, Lee F, Bates C, Jensen M, Mayer S, Korporaal C. A single-group pretest posttest design using full kinetic chain manipulative therapy with rehabilitation in the treatment of 18 patients with hip osteoarthritis. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2010;33(6):445-57. doi: 10.1016/j.jmpt.2010.06.005.
108. Brown BT, Bonello R, Pollard H, Graham P. The influence of a biopsychosocial-based treatment approach to primary overt hypothyroidism: a protocol for a pilot study. Trials. 2010;11:106. doi: 10.1186/1745-6215-11-106.
107. Pribicevic M, Pollard H, Bonello R, de Luca K. A systematic review of manipulative therapy for the treatment of shoulder pain. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2010 Nov-Dec;33(9):679-89. doi: 10.1016/j.jmpt.2010.08.019.
2009 106. Bablis P, Pollard H. Anxiety and depression profile of 188 consecutive new patients presenting to a Neuro-Emotional Technique practitioner. J Altern Complement Med. 2009 Feb;15(2):121-7. doi: 10.1089/acm.2007.0805.
105. Lystad RP, Pollard H, Graham P. Epidemiology of injuries in competition taekwondo: a meta-analysis of observational studies. J Sci Med Sport. 2009;12(6):614-21. doi: 10.1016/j.jsams.2008.09.013.
104. Bablis P, Pollard H, Bonello R. A retrospective analysis of self-reported symptoms from 761 consecutive new patients presenting to a Neuro Emotional Technique chiropractic clinic.bComplement Ther Clin Pract. 2009;15(3):166-71. doi: 10.1016/j.ctcp.2009.02.005.
103. Bablis P, Pollard H. A mind-body treatment for hypothyroid dysfunction: a report of two cases. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2009;15(2):67-71. doi: 10.1016/j.ctcp.2009.01.004.
102. Lystad RP, Pollard H. Functional neuroimaging: a brief overview and feasibility for use in chiropractic research. J Can Chiropr Assoc. 2009;53(1):59-72.
101. Hoskins W, Pollard H, Garbutt P. How to select a chiropractor for the management of athletic conditions. Chiropr Osteopat. 2009;17:3. doi: 10.1186/1746-1340-17-3.
100. Pollard H, De Luca K. A descriptive report of management strategies used by chiropractors, as reviewed by a single independent chiropractic consultant in the Australian workers compensation system. Chiropr Osteopat. 2009;17:12. doi: 10.1186/1746-1340-17-12.
99. Karpouzis F, Pollard H, Bonello R. A randomised controlled trial of the Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) for childhood Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): a protocol. Trials. 2009;10:6. doi: 10.1186/1745-6215-10-6.
98. Brantingham J, Globe G, Pollard H, Hicks M, Corporaal C, Hoskins W. Manipulative therapy for lower extremity conditions: expansion of literature review. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2009;32(1):53-71. doi: 10.1016/j.jmpt.2008.09.013.
97. Pribicevic M, Pollard H, Bonello R. An epidemiologic survey of shoulder pain in chiropractic practice in australia. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2009;32(2):107-17. doi: 10.1016/j.jmpt.2008.12.005.
96. Brown BT, Bonello R, Pollard H. An update on acupuncture points for Chiropractors. Chiropractic J Australia 2009;39(1):18-26
2008 95. Bablis P, Pollard H, Bonello R. Neuro Emotional Technique for the treatment of trigger point sensitivity in chronic neck pain sufferers: a controlled clinical trial. Chiropr Osteopat. 2008;16:4. doi: 10.1186/1746-1340-16-4.
94. McHardy A, Hoskins W, Pollard H, Windsham R, Onley R Chiropractic treatment of upper extremity conditions: a systematic review. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2008;31(2):146-59. doi: 10.1016/j.jmpt.2007.12.004.
93. Karpouzis F, Pollard H, Bonello R. Separation anxiety disorder in a 13-year-old boy managed by the Neuro Emotional Technique as a biopsychosocial intervention. J Chiropr Med. 2008;7(3):101-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jcm.2008.05.003.
92. Pollard H, Ward G, Hoskins W, Hardy K. The effect of a manual therapy knee protocol on osteoarthritic knee pain: a randomised controlled trial. J Can Chiropr Assoc. 2008;52(4):229-42.
2007 91. Swain M, Pollard H, Bonello R. Chiropractic management of cluster tic syndrome: a case report. Chiropr J Aust: 2007(37:3): 117-122.
90. McHardy AJ, Pollard H, Luo K Golf-related lower back injuries: an epidemiological survey. J Chiropr Med. 2007;6(1):20-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jcme.2007.02.010.
89. Kalamir A, Pollard H, Vitiello A, Bonello R. TMD and the problem of Bruxism – a literature review. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies. 2007,11;183–193.
88. Kalamir A, Pollard H, Vitiello A, Bonello R. TMD und Bruxismus. Eine literarstudie (in German). Osteopathische medizin (2007) 4:12-21.
87. Vitiello AL, Bonello R, Pollard H The effectiveness of ENAR for the treatment of chronic neck pain in Australian adults: a preliminary single-blind, randomised controlled trial. Chiropr Osteopat. 2007;15:9.
86. McHardy A, Pollard H, Luo K. The epidemiology of golf-related injuries in Australian amateur golfers: A multivariate analysis. South African J Sports Medicine 2007 19(1): 12-19.
85. McHardy A,Pollard H, Luo K One-year follow-up study on golf injuries in Australian amateur golfers. Am J Sports Med. 2007;35(8):1354-60.
84. Pollard H, Hoskins W, Schmerl M The use of hip manipulation in the management of acetabular labrum injury. Chiropractic J Australia 2007;37(2): 49-56.
83. Fernandez M, Pollard H, McHardy A. A patient with deep vein thrombosis presenting to a chiropractic clinic: a case report. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2007;30(2):144-51.
82. Kalamir A, Pollard H, Vitiello A Manual Therapy for Temporomandibular Disorders: A review of the literature. J Bodywork & Movement Therapies 2007;11(1):84-90.
81. Pollard H, Hoskins W, McHardy A, Bonello R, Garbutt P, Swain M, Dragasevic G, Pribicevic M, Vitiello A Australian chiropractic sports medicine: half way there or living on a prayer? Chiropr Osteopat. 2007 Sep 19;15:14.
2006 2006 80. Letter to the editor: Response to: Robson S. Joint manipulation for injuries – is it worth the risk? Peak Performance. 2006:229;1-3.
79. Hoskins W, McHardy A, Pollard H, Windsham R, Onley R. Chiropractic treatment of lower extremity conditions: a literature review. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2006 Oct;29(8):658-71. Review.
78. McHardy A, Pollard H, Bayley G A comparison of the modern and classic golf swing South African J Sports Medicine 2006;18(3):80-92.
77. Hoskins W, Pollard H. Problematic management of Haglund’s Syndrome in a professional athlete: a case report and literature review. New Zealand J Sport Medicine 2006:34(1):14-20
76. Bablis P, Pollard H, McHardy A Two reports of resolution of polycystic ovary syndrome induced anovulation in females receiving neuroemotional technique. Chiropractic J Australia 2006;36(1):2-8.
75. Hoskins W, Pollard H. Re: A pilot randomised controlled trial of eccentric exercise to prevent hamstring injuries in community-level Australian Football. J Sci Med Sport. 2006 Dec;9(6):506-7; author reply 507.
74. Pollard H, Hardy K, Curtin D Biopsychosocial Model of Pain and Its Relevance to Chiropractors Chiropractic J Australia: 2006(36:3): 92-96.
73. Bablis P, Pollard H, Monti D Resolution of anovulation infertility using neuro emotional technique: a report of 3 cases. J Chiropr Med. 2006;5(1):13-21. doi: 10.1016/S0899-3467(07)60128-1.
72. Pollard H, Bablis P, Bonello R The ileocecal valve point and muscle testing: a possible mechanism of action. Chiropractic J Australia: 2006(36:4): 122-6.
71. Pollard H, Bablis P, Bonello R Can the Ileocecal Valve Point Predict Low Back Pain Using Manual Muscle Testing? Chiropractic J Australia: 2006(36:4): 159-160; author reply 58-62.
70. Pollard H, Bablis P, Bonello R Can the Ileocecal Valve Point Predict Low Back Pain Using Manual Muscle Testing? Chiropractic J Australia 36(2): 58-62, 2006.
69. Hoskins W, Pollard H, Reggars J, Vitiello A, Bonello R. Journal publications by Australian chiropractic academics: are they enough? Chiropr Osteopat. 2006 Jul 27;14:13.
68. Hoskins WT, Pollard HP, Orchard JW. The effect of sports chiropractic on the prevention of hamstring injuries: a randomized controlled trial: 691: 2:30 PM - 2:45 PM. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2006;38(5 Suppl):S27.
67. Hoskins W, Pollard H, Tuchin P The pathogenesis of migraine: a commentary. Chiropractic J Australia: 36(2): 69-75, 2006
66. McHardy A, Pollard H, Fernandez M Triathlon injures: A review. J Clinical Chiropractic 2006;9(3):129-138
65. McHardy A, Pollard H, Luo K. Golf injuries: a review of the literature. Sports Med. 2006;36(2):171-87.
64. Pollard H, Hoskins W, Hough K, Tully C. Injury in rugby league. J Sci Med Sport. 2006 May;9(1-2):46-56.
63. Hardy K, Pollard H. The organisation of the stress response, and its relevance to chiropractors: a commentary. Chiropr Osteopat. 2006;14:25.
2005 62. Hoskins W, Pollard H, McDonald AJ Quadrilateral space syndrome: a case study and review of the literature. Br J Sports Med. 2005 Feb;39(2):e9.
61. Hoskins W, Pollard H Successful management of hamstring injuries in Australian Rules footballers: two case reports. Chiropr Osteopat. 2005 Apr 12;13(1):4.
60. Pollard H, Hansen L, Hoskins W Cervical stenosis in a professional rugby league football player: a case report. Chiropr Osteopat. 2005 Aug 3;13:15.
59. Hoskins W, Pollard H Hamstring injury management--Part 2: Treatment. Man Ther. 2005 Aug;10(3):180-90.
58. Hoskins W, Pollard H The management of hamstring injury--Part 1: Issues in diagnosis. Man Ther. 2005;10(2):96-107.
57. Pollard H Reflections on the "type O" disorder. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2005;28(7):547.
56. A McHardy, H Pollard Muscle activity during the golf swing. Br J Sports Med. 2005 Nov;39(11):799-804.
55. McHardy A, Pollard H. Golf and upper limb injuries: a summary and review of the literature. Chiropr Osteopat. 2005;13:7.
54. Pribicevic M, Pollard H A multi-modal treatment approach for the shoulder: a 4 patient case series. Chiropr Osteopat. 2005;13:20.
53. Schmerl M, Pollard H, Hoskins W Labral injuries of the hip: a review of diagnosis and management. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2005;28(8):632.
52. Walker S, Bablis P, Pollard H, McHardy A Practitioner perceptions of emotions associated with pain: a survey. J Chiropr Med. 2005 Winter;4(1):11-8.
51. Middleton P, Pollard H Are chronic low back pain outcomes improved with co-management of concurrent depression? Chiropr Osteopat. 2005;13(1):8.
50. Castlereagh F, Pollard H Traumatic spondylolysis in a heptathlete: a case history and review. J Chiropr Med. 2005;4(2):89-96.
49. McHardy A, Pollard H Lower back pain in golfers: a review of the literature. J Chiropr Med. 2005;4(3):135-43.
48. Brown B, Pollard H, Bonello R The biopsychosocial model and hypothyroidism. Chiropr Osteopat. 2005;13(1):5.
47. Pollard H, Lakay B, Tucker F, Watson B, Bablis P. Interexaminer reliability of the deltoid and psoas muscle test. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2005;28(1):52-6.
2004 46. Pollard H, Fernandez M Spinal musculoskeletal injuries associated with swimming: a discussion of technique. Australas Chiropr Osteopathy. 2004;12(2):72-80.
45. Bateman W, Pollard H, Vemulpad S The significance of the joint crack with manipulation: A legal perspective. Chiropractic J Aust 2005(35:1); author reply, 38-9.
44. Bateman W, Pollard H, Vemulpad S The significance of the joint crack with manipulation: A legal perspective. Chiropractic J Australia 2004; 34: 11-18
43. Pribicevic M, Pollard H. Rotator cuff impingement. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2004;27(9):580-90.
42. McHardy A, Pollard H Unusual cause of wrist pain in a golfer. Br J Sports Med. 2004;38(6):e34.
41. Pollard H, Bablis P Hypothyroidism: A new model for Conservative Management in two cases. Chiropractic Journal of Australia. 34(1):11-18, 2004.
40. Pollard H The somatovisceral reflex: How important for the “type O” condition? Chiropractic Journal of Australia 2004 34(3): 93-102.
39. Walker B, Cameron M, French S, Pollard H, Vitiello A, Reggars J, Werth PD. Risk management for chiropractors and osteopaths: informed consent. A common law requirement.Australas Chiropr Osteopathy. 2004;12(1):19-23.
38. King W, Buchbinder R, Green S, Masters S, Pollard H, Nash P, Brooks P, Bellamy N. Acute shoulder pain. In: Australasian Acute Musculoskeletal pain guidelines group. Evidence-based management of acute musculoskeletal pain: A guide for clinicians. Bowen Hills, Aust Academic Press 2004: 44-50.
2003 37. King W, Buchbinder R, Green S, Masters S, Pollard H, Nash P, Bellamy N, Brooks P, Bell S. Acute musculoskeletal pain: Evidence-based management; The shoulder. The University of Queensland Faculty of Health Sciences 2003.
36. Reggars J, French S, Walker B, Cameron M, Pollard H, Vitello A, Werth PD. RISK MANAGEMENT FOR CHIROPRACTORS AND OSTEOPATHS: Neck Manipulation & Vertebrobasilar Stroke. Australas Chiropr Osteopathy. 2003;11(1):9-15.
35. Reggars J, French S, Walker B, Cameron M, Pollard H, Vitello A, Werth P, Comrie DA RISK MANAGEMENT FOR CHIROPRACTORS AND OSTEOPATHS: Imaging Guidelines for Conditions Commonly Seen in Practice. Australas Chiropr Osteopathy. 2003;11(2):41-8.
34. Hoskins W, Pollard H INJURIES IN AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL: A Review of the Literature. Australas Chiropr Osteopathy. 2003;11(2):49-56.
2002 33. Pollard H, Quodling N, McHardy A Acromioclavicular Sprain: Literature review and case report. J Neuromusculoskeletal System 2002;10(1): 13-19.
32. Pollard H, Sim P, McHardy A. Lateral ankle injury. Literature review and report of two cases. Australas Chiropr Osteopathy. 2002;10(1):21-30.
31. Vitiello A, Pollard H Backpack design: The use of rating of perceived exertion (Borg Scale): A review. Chiropractic J Australia 2002 32(3): 91-98.
30. Vitiello A, Pollard H EMG response of the human frame to wearing a backpack: A review. Chiropractic J Australia 2002;32(3): 83-90.
2001 29. McHardy A, Pollard H Injury associated with soccer: A review of epidemiology and etiology. J Sports Chiropractic & Rehabilitation 2001;15(1): 34-43, 53-4.
2000 28. Tuchin PJ, Pollard H, Bonello R A randomized controlled trial of chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy for migraine. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2000;23(2):91-5.
1999 27. Pollard H, Croker D. Shoulder pain in elite swimmers. Australas Chiropr Osteopathy. 1999;8(3):91-5.
26. Pollard H, So V Management of Plantar Fasciitis: A Case Review J Sports Chiropractic & Rehabilitation 1999;13(3):93-97.
25. Pollard H, Quodling N Management of hamstring injury: A review and case report. J Sports Chiropractic & Rehabilitation 1999;13(3) 98-106.
24. Stephens D, Pollard H, Thompson P, Bilton D, Gorman RF Bilateral simultaneous optic nerve dysfunction after periorbital trauma: recovery of vision in association with with chiropractic spinal manipulation therapy. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 1999;22(9):615-21.
1998 22. Tuchin P, Pollard H Cost effectiveness of spinal care education as a preventive strategy for spinal injury. J Occupational Health & Safety 1998;14(1):43-51
21. Stephens D, Bilton D, Pollard H, Gorman F Wall perimetry in chiropractic. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 1998;21(1):32-6.
20. Pollard H, Ward G The effect of upper cervical or sacroiliac manipulation on hip flexion range of motion. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 1998;21(9):611-6.
19. Tuchin PJ, Pollard H Does classic migraine respond to manual therapy - a case series. Phys Therapy reviews 1998;3:1-14.
18. Stephens D, Mealing D, Pollard H, Thompson P, Bilton D, Gorman F Treatment of visual field loss by spinal manipulation: A report of 17 patients. J Neuromusculoskeletal system 1998;6(2): 53-66
17. Pollard H, Rigby S, Moritz G and Lau C Re: subclavian steal syndomre: a review Australasian Chiropractic & Osteopathy:1998;(7(2); author reply, 93-94.
16. Pollard H, Rigby S, Moritz G and Lau C SUBCLAVIAN STEAL SYNDROME: A Review. Australas Chiropr Osteopathy. 1998;7(1):20-8.
15. Pollard H Reply to a letter to the editor Australasian Chiropractic & Osteopathy Journal 1998;7(2): 93-4
14. Pollard H, Benz G MANIFESTATIONS OF THE ROSS RIVER AND BARMAH FOREST ARBOVIRUSES: A Clinical Challenge for Chiropractors. Australas Chiropr Osteopathy. 1998;7(3):116-9.
1997 13. Lanthois P, Pollard H Spondylolysis in a professional fast bowler. A case study. Australas Chiropr Osteopathy. 1997;6(1):1-9.
12. Pollard H, Ward G A study of two stretching techniques for improving hip flexion range of motion. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 1997;20(7):443-7.
11. Pollard H, Ward G The effect of sacroiliac manipulation on hip flexion range of motion. Australas Chiropr Osteopathy. 1997;6(3):80-4.
10. So V, Pollard H Management of Achilles tendon disorders. A case review. Australas Chiropr Osteopathy. 1997;6(2):58-62.
1996 9. Pollard H, Ward G Strength change of quadriceps femoris following a single manipulation of the L3/4 vertebral motion segment: a preliminary investigation. J Neuromusculoskeletal System 1996;4(4):137-144
8. O'Reilly A, Pollard H TMJ pain and chiropractic adjustment-A pilot study. Chiro Jou of Australia 1996;26(4): 125-129
1995 7. Pollard H, Tuchin P Cervical radiculopathy: a case for ancillary therapies? J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 1995;18(4):244-9.
6. Reggars J, Pollard H Analysis of zygapophyseal joint cracking during chiropractic manipulation. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 1995;18(2):65-71.
5. Hayek R, Austin S, Pollard H An electromyographic study of the intramuscular effects of the chiropractic adjustment-a pilot. COMSIG Review 1995;4(1): 3-9
4. Montgomery DM, Egan IF, Pollard HP Palpable unilateral sacral prominence as a clinical sign of lower limb anisomelia: a pilot study. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 1995;18(6):353-6.
1994 Pollard H 3. Athletic Injuries: A psychological perspective to treatment Chiropractic Sports Medicine 1994;8(4) 18-31
2. Tuchin P, Pollard H, Bonello R Educational standards of Chiropractic in Australia Chiropractic J Australia 1994;24:56-62
1993 1. Hayek R, Pollard H, Garlick D EMG changes associated with spinal manipulation of the first thoracic vertebra. Proceedings 1993 Aust Physiological Society
Book Chapters (Peer Reviewed):
2011 Robergs R, Pollard H, Hemphill D. Case studies in exercise as therapy for athletes. In: Clinical Exercise: A Case-based Approach. Cameron M, Selvig S, Hemphill D (Eds) Churchill-Linginstone Sydney 2011:238-47.
2010 Karpouzis F, Pollard H, Bonello R. Separation Anxiety Disorder (SAD) and Chiropractic Neuro Emotional Technique (NET). In: Columbus AM, editor. Advances in Psychology Research, Volume 67. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 2010: 117-132.
2009 Pollard H. The role of Chiropractic in mind-body Health. In: Integrative Psychiatry. Monti DA, Beitman BD (Eds). Oxford University Press (Beltham Publishers) 2009:158-177.